Day One Fun

Howdy! This is Carissa and Bradley, and we’re your authors for the first post for our trip to volunteer at the World Cup in Qatar!

The morning has been steady so far - we all arrived to the airport around 11:00am. Some of us took a shuttle from College Station while others drove in locally. Dr. Sullins went over some quick reminders with us before we lined up to check in our bags. 

At this point, it was about 11:30am, and that is when we found out British Airways doesn’t start checking in people until 1:00pm. Thankfully, the wait was not too bad, and it gave us the chance to talk to each other more (or finish assignments for other classes). Going through security can always be a little stressful, but our group made it. There was one student whose information was not being registered properly in the system, but they finally made it through!

We split off and grabbed food before our flight, and now we’re waiting by the gate to load up the plane. If this all seems kind of boring, then you're right. But hey - we rather take a more boring first leg than crazy, hectic experience (we'll save that for when we're in Qatar). 

We are excited for the next two weeks as we explore a new country and experience an event like no other! Keep following the posts for more updates on our adventure.

- Big C & Lil B



  1. Thanks Bradley for sharing the nice photos, even though things are not yet action-packed! At least "so far so good". Best wishes to the group members setting out for the grand adventure. Wishing you all safe travels and Gig 'em!


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