Day 12 - 3rd Place Game Day + Vellaggio Mall!

 Hi everyone, this is Paulina & Mark! We had an awesome day today!! Majority of our group started the morning off by going to the Vellaggio Mall. It has a lot of similarities to Las Vegas.. Vellaggio like the Bellagio Hotel, gondola rides like at the Venetian Hotel, the ceiling of the mall looks like a sky just like Caesars Palace Hotel, and a restaurant with an Eiffel Tower. We explored the mall and then some of our group ate traditional Middle Eastern food, while others went for the comfort American food. 

After exploring the mall, Paulina & Mark (along with the rest of our group) split up. A group of us walked 15 minutes from the Vellaggio Mall to Khalifa International Stadium and attended the 3rd Place Game (Croatia vs. Morocco). Thank you FIFA for our free tickets due to us completing volunteer shifts quickly!!

Others that did not attend the game finished the day off with catching up on some assignments due for our class, while also watching the game at times as well. As we get closer to the end of the tournament, we are beyond thankful to have been able to spend the last few days in such an amazing country. 

Hope you enjoyed reading our blog today! Take a look at some of our pictures from today below:
